35 Signs That Your Husband Still Loves You

  1.  He's in-tune with you. He seems to always be on the same wavelength as you. It's as if he's inside your mind, finishing your thoughts and sentences. He remembers what you say, and he listens to you with a smile on his face. A man who is in love with his wife listens to her.
  2. He meets your needs. He takes care of your needs. If a man truly loves you, he’ll always look for little ways to make your life better, be it covering you with a blanket when you’re cold, charging your cell phone even when you don’t ask him to, or serving the better piece of chicken to you when you’re not looking.
  3. He gives you thoughtful gifts. When he is out with his friends or traveling, and he spots something in a shop window that he thinks you need, he picks it up for you because he’s thinking about you always.
  4. You’re always a part of his big plan in life. The things that matter to you matter to him. If he is planning to go on vacation, he makes the plans with you. He speaks about his future and his dreams with you, and you have a prominent place in them.
  5. He shows you off. How he behaves when you are out in public says a lot about how he feels about you. If he walks with you shoulder-to-shoulder and holds your hand instinctively when you’re in a crowd, or places his hand on your back while crossing the street, then he is committed and proud to be with you. He also likes showing you off.
  6. He confides in you. If he trusts you enough to share his problems and insecurities and to seek your advice, it means that your opinion matters a lot to him. He speaks his truth and wants you to be there supporting him.
  7. He seeks your opinion. He doesn’t make any important decisions about his own life without hearing your opinions and having a discussion with you. You are his life partner, so any decision must involve you too.
  8. He's affectionate. He treats you with spontaneous displays of affection. He wraps his hands around you or stands closer to you when you are among friends. He kisses you in public and is proud to show you off to anyone; it’s a way of letting the world know that you’re the one he loves.
  9. He gives you access. If he allows you to answer his phone calls, it means there’s absolutely nothing he wants to keep concealed from you. If your husband lets you grab his phone, he is not hiding anything.
  10. He uses "we." If your husband is fond of using the word “we” instead of saying “I” or “me” while talking and pays you compliments when you least expect it, he loves you. To him, your relationship is much more than just woman and man—you are husband and wife and your life is one.
  11. He’s very protective of you. He definitely wants to protect you and reassure you. If you’re taking a trip by yourself or even if you’re just driving out with friends, does he like receiving your call after you get to your destination? If your man can only relax knowing that you’re safe, no matter where you are, he definitely has a special spot for you in his heart.
  12. He’s very interested in your life. If your man loves you, he’ll always be eager to know everything about you. He wants to know what you think about and what makes you laugh. He asks questions because he cares about your answers, and he remembers your answers, too. He knows your favorite color and just how you like your coffee.
  13. He wants to see you happy. If you had a bad day or you’re upset about something, he wants to cheer you up because he genuinely wants you to be happy.
  14. He helps you out. He is always ready to offer a helping hand every time you ask him even if he’s busy, without unnecessary grumbling. He believes helping you out of any tight situation is his responsibility.
  15. He can't stay mad. He can’t stay mad at you for any reason for more than a couple of hours. People in love can’t stay mad at each other for long; it hurts both lovers too much.
  16. He says "sorry." He swallows his pride and apologizes first even if it’s not his fault in any way. If your husband is generally forgiving and tolerant of your faults, that is a very good sign that he still loves you.
  17. He communicates. He keeps you informed about his life and what he’s up to even though he knows he has no obligation to do so. He doesn't keep secrets from you.
  18. He's respectful. He treats you with a lot of respect. He doesn’t stare at other girls or women when you’re around.
  19. He listens. He respects your intellect and doesn't interrupt you in the middle of a conversation.
  20. He misses you. You are the one he wants to wake up to each day. He finds that when he is not with you, you’re the last person he speaks to or texts at night. He can’t stop thinking of you. He is consumed with thoughts of you. When you call to find out how he is faring, he keeps you on the phone, telling jokes. You're the last thing on his mind every time he wakes up or goes to sleep.
  21. He compromises. Instead of insisting on his ways, he doesn’t mind compromising. He sacrifices his happiness to see you happy. This means he understands the spirit of give-and-take in relationships and he is ready to ensure you are happy. It could be something as small as choosing a restaurant that prepares your favorite food when you’re eating out, or going to see a movie he didn’t really want to just because you are interested in it, or missing a night out with friends because he wants to be with you.
  22. He likes your family and friends. He makes an effort to be liked by your friends and family. He treats you in a way that you think would make your parents and your friends happy and he cares about what your friends and family think of him.
  23. He talks a lot. If a man loves you, you’ll find that he opens up really easily to you and talks a lot about everything—be it his life, his work, or even about how annoying his friends really are.
  24. He wants to spend time with you. If he loves spending his spare time with you and his physical attraction to you is undeniable, that is a very good sign that the wheel of love is still very much working. It doesn’t matter to him what you two do, it is just enough to be with you. No matter how busy he is, he doesn’t want to miss a romantic night with you.
  25. You are a priority. He loves having conversations with you. He goes out of his way to be with you. Whenever you are around, every other thing takes a back seat because you are more important. If he has to cancel a date for any reason, he’ll do everything it takes to make it up to you on the next date.
  26. He stands up for you. A man who truly loves his wife will stand by her side even if she’s in the wrong and criticize her in private, but never in public.
  27. You're his number one. If he has to choose between you and anything else in the world, you come up on top because he doesn’t value anything or anybody more than you.
  28. He remembers your anniversaries. He never forgets your special days, be it your birthday or anniversaries. He makes sure he buys you a gift to mark the occasion.
  29. He never wants to hurt you. He doesn’t get annoyed with you even if he’s busy and you demand his attention.
  30. He thinks you're perfect. He falls in love with your flaws and thinks you’re perfect just the way you are.
  31. He only has eyes for you. At a social gathering, although he can’t help but notice a beautiful woman, he will be so attracted to you that many of them will slip by unnoticed. He never gives any girl much attention because you are his universe even if he meets a celebrity. The only woman that matters to him is you, and your feelings mean a lot to him.
  32. He checks you out. You catch him gazing at you adoringly when he thinks you are not looking. When a man stares at you, his affection runs deep.
  33. His eyes do the talking. If he gazes in your eyes with a sparkle in his, there is a good chance he really cares about you. Men are guarded when it comes to showing emotion.
  34. He appreciates your gifts. If he wears clothes you bought for him with pride, and cherishes gifts you give him, he loves you. Consequentially, every time your husband does don some item you bought for him, he’s showing that he is happy with you.
  35. He's intimate with you. If your husband has interest in physical intimacy with you, he loves you.
