33 Main Signs that Your Husband is Having Affairs Outside

  1. 1
    He avoids being alone in the room with you
    Many times a cheating husband has already made up his mind about having an affair, or may already be involved in one. If he's avoiding being alone with you, it's a sure sign something's wrong with your relationship, and he knows that something's wrong.
  2. 2
    He stops initiating casual touch with you
    Couples in a healthy relationship often share little touches, such as a casual bump when passing in the hallway, or a gentle caress. These brief displays of intimacy may not seem like much, but if they stop, it's a sure sign that his mind is on something or someone other than you.
  3. 3
    He stops buying you flowers or doing other special things for you
    Men learn at a very early age to do special things for the women they love. Whether it's flowers for mom or a box of chocolates for his wife, he knows that these things are important to a woman. If you notice that he hasn't recently shown you any special signs of affection, it could be an indication that he's giving that affection to another woman.
  4. 4
    He doesn't look you in the eye anymore, especially when being intimate
    It's hard to lie, especially when looking someone in the eye. When it comes to looking at someone we love in the eye and telling them a lie, it becomes almost impossible. Because of this, a cheating husband will not usually be able to look you in the eye when you're being intimate because he knows it's a lie.
  5. 5
    The emotional quality of your relationship has changed
    If your husband starts caring less about you, or your marriage, and worrying a lot more about himself, it could be a sign that he's cheating on you. A faithful husband will be focused on your future together, while a cheating husband will be more worried about his future, without you.
  6. 6
    He starts keeping secrets, and not telling you little things he used to share
    When your husband stops sharing little things with you, like stories from the office, or a challenge he might have overcome, it's a bad sign. Men aren't usually the most talkative creatures, but they have an instinctive need to show off accomplishments and successes to their wives. If he stops showing you, he's either going through a major crisis, or showing another woman.
  7. 7
    He's always traveling, and you're never traveling with him
    Some jobs require travel, however, they don't require always being alone. Your husband can plan a long weekend or special occasion with you when he's traveling. The only reason for him not to at least occasionally do this is because he doesn't want to spend time with you. If he isn't spending time with you, then who is he spending it with?
  8. 8
    He is working much more, and spending less time at home
    Much like the man who travels constantly, the man who is always at work usually has other reasons for being away so often. Unless he's a lawyer working his way up through the firm, or a doctor earning degrees and establishing a practice, he either doesn't want to spend time with you, or he's spending it with someone else. Either way, this is a sure sign of trouble.
  9. 9
    What used to be 'we' time is becoming 'me' time
    Happy couples like to spend time together. They take walks, go to the movies, and even play games. Sometimes, they just sit next to one another, while one reads a book and the other watches TV. It's about being together, and if your husband doesn't want to be together anymore, his actions will show you. Time he would have spent in bed next to you will turn into time alone in another room, which is a sure indication that something's up.
  10. 10
    His sexual appetites and desires have changed
    Physical intimacy is a cornerstone of marriage. Women learn how their partner behaves, especially his 'moves' in the bedroom. If your husband starts to shut you out, or worse, randomly starts breaking out new moves in the bedroom, you'll want to check and see if he's started reading women's magazines, or is taking lessons from another woman.
  11. 11
    He deletes text messages from his phone
    Most people don't delete their text messages, because it usually takes more effort than reading them. If he starts deleting his text messages, chances are that you have a cheating husband on your hands, or one preparing to cheat.
  12. 12
    He makes and receives phone calls in private
    This is another big red flag. Only a man who doesn't want you to hear what he's talking about takes or makes calls in private. Usually, the only time your husband doesn't want you to hear what he's talking about is when he's cheating, or talking about you.
  13. 13
    He gets a second number
    Most wives won't even notice this, but if your husband gets a nice new phone, you might check to see if it has two SIM cards. If so, what does he need a second number for, and why hasn't he shared that number with you? This is a sure sign that he's keeping some pretty serious secrets - one of which is probably an another woman.
  14. 14
    He has more than one personal email address
    Almost everyone old enough to be married has transitioned through several email accounts, ultimately deleting most of them in favor of one or two. If your husband is working full time, and keeping multiple personal email accounts, the only reason for him to have the stress of managing multiple accounts is to cheat, or to keep the door open for and old flame to rekindle the fires of desire.
  15. 15
    He has more than one Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter account
    This is just like the email account problem discussed above. If he's going to the trouble of keeping many different accounts, it's almost certainly because he's either already cheating, or planning to cheat in the future.
  16. 16
    He keeps his Kik, Skype, Viber, or WhatsApp accounts private
    Instant Messages are the new email, and because they're more private than regular SMS and Text messages, it's fairly easy for your husband to cheat on you without your knowledge. While you shouldn't expect to read his messages on his phone any more than he should expect you to read them and give a summary of the important ones, there's nothing wrong with glancing at his screen from time to time. If he's hiding it, chances are he's hiding more than just a message.
  17. 17
    His body or clothes smell differently than they used to
    Too many women overlook this basic element of their husbands. Every man has his own smell. It's a combination of what he eats, where he sleeps, the soaps and colognes he uses, and the woman he sleeps with. If the smell of his body changes, it's time to see if he's been having curry for lunch, or an affair with another woman for dessert.
  18. 18
    He doesn't participate in group gatherings of family and friends
    However much we like or dislike our relatives, spending time with them is part of being married. So is spending time with friends. If your husband stops spending time with friends and family, especially in group settings, it's a sure sign that something's wrong. Maybe he's planning to leave, or maybe he is cheating on you and doesn't want his other woman to see you together.
  19. 19
    He is spending a significant amount of time with someone else
    This one is pretty obvious, but many women overlook it in the interests of being 'modern'. Just as it's OK for a married woman to have male friends, it's also OK for her husband to have female friends. The thing that's not OK is when he's taking your time and spending it with her. If you notice that he's doing this, it could be a sign that your husband is cheating. Reel him in before it's too late.
  20. 20
    He spends a lot of time helping someone else, or gives gifts to them
    This one is tough, because some men are genuinely sweet, and naturally giving. They will help out anyone. Unfortunately, some women are not so sweet, and may abuse your husband's trust, or worse, turn it into an affair. Likewise, he might also be spending more time with another woman because he prefers her company to yours. Either way, it's a recipe for infidelity, and best nipped in the bud.
  21. 21
    He stretches short trips out of the house into long trips
    Have his 30 minute walks in the park or short trips to the store turned into hours-long excursions? There can be a number of reasons for this, but they all usually involve him preferring to spend his time elsewhere. In the case of a store, maybe there's a cute young cashier or other relatively unattached girl he's chatting with at the coffee shop, or maybe his dog walks include the understanding company of an otherwise unoccupied college girl. Whatever his reasons, none of them are good, and all point to a cheating husband.
  22. 22
    He starts arguments out of nothing, and then leaves the house
    This one seems so obvious, yet many women miss it due to being so distraught over an argument they can't understand. This is because it hits them from out of nowhere, and then they sit home wondering what they did wrong to make their husbands leave. This I sad, because a husband who starts a fight over nothing and then leaves the house is either looking for an excuse to leave the house, or not expressing his true frustrations. Both are signs of deeper problems, often involving infidelity.
  23. 23
    He is extremely angry and frustrated, seemingly without cause
    Men can be angry over life events and circumstances. It's also quite normal for him to be frustrated with things that are beyond his control, such as economic hardships, accidents, or work difficulties. What's not normal is for your husband to be angry and frustrated over nothing. If this is the case, the 'nothing' might just be a woman you aren't aware of, that he's been cheating with, but unable to express his guilt over.
  24. 24
    He is defensive about everything, almost as if he is anticipating conflict
    Few people like conflict, especially in the home. Your husband is no different, so if he's defensive about everything, and always prepared for conflict, you need to dig a little deeper. A man behaving like this is often doing so because he knows something's wrong. He knows something's wrong, because he's having an affair.
  25. 25
    You stop seeing or hearing from his family as much as you used to
    Momma's don't betray their babies, and many men tend to live by the bro code, where they stick together no matter what. If you're seeing signs that he might be telling his mother or family about an impending separation, or you've noticed that his friends aren't so friendly towards you anymore, it's a problem. In fact, this problem almost always involves another woman, and is a serious sign of trouble.
  26. 26
    He begins dressing differently
    Men don't often change their styles. If he likes jeans and a polo shirt, that's likely going to be his style forever. So, if you notice that he's traded in his jeans for a pair of dockers, or his usually conservative polo shirt for a printed t-shirt with a rock band logo on it, you might have a cheating husband on your hands. Men only change the way they dress when it serves a purpose, which in this case is pleasing another woman.
  27. 27
    He starts caring more about how he looks
    Grooming and hygiene patterns change. If your man used to be OK with slightly messed up hair, or half of a shave, and he's now carefully grooming himself, it's obviously not to impress you. In fact, one of the most obvious signs your husband is cheating on you is when he starts improving his personal hygiene and grooming habits. Don't ignore this, as it's an indication of a husband looking to please or impress another woman.
  28. 28
    His overall appearance has changed
    This one is harder to spot, but it bears mention because it's usually a sign of problems that lead to an affair, rather than the actual affair. Sometimes, when your husband isn't happy, he'll start making little changes, and the shift from outgoing to conservative, or conservative to outgoing, is one of them. If you see this, talk to him, before he gets tangled up in an affair that could destroy your marriage.
  29. 29
    His tastes in music change
    Not that many wives notice this one, because many times their husbands can have some strange tastes in music. However, if your classic rock loving husband starts listening to Tecno, there's a reason. Sometimes it is just be because he likes it, but more often, it's because the woman he's cheating on you with likes that style of music. He either wants to make her happy, or is pleasantly reminded of her while jamming out to the latest step.
  30. 30
    He starts visiting art exhibits or enjoying trips to museums
    This one might seem a little funny at first, until you learn about the young art student your husband has taken an interest in, or the history major who has enchanted him with welcoming smiles and tales of ancient Rome. If he starts finding interest in things he previously had no interest in, it's a sure sign that another woman has his interest. Take note, and steer him away from infidelity.
  31. 31
    He starts attending office parties and social events he used to avoid
    Everyone knows the jokes about office parties, and let's be honest, they're usually pretty true. So, when your husband suddenly starts attending them, it probably has something to do with the new girl in the office. If you aren't invited, it almost certainly has something to do with her. This is a sure sign of trouble in your relationship.
  32. 32
    The level of attention he gives you drastically changes
    If your normally passionless man suddenly becomes a charming powerhouse of passion, enjoy it, but pay very close attention to him. Likewise, if your man of endless passion suddenly turns cold, take that as a warning sign too. He's likely either giddy with joy in another woman's arms, or he's gone cold because she's taking all that heat and keeping it for herself.
  33. 33
    He suddenly develops an interest in a new language
    This isn't usually something that younger wives need to worry about. It's more often reserved for those who have been married a few years. In these instances, a cheating husband might discuss a desire to visit France, for example. This naturally leads to French lessons, which his wife mistakes as being an indication of a planned trip to another country. She never sees the affair his 'language' lessons are hiding. While new languages are great, be careful your husband isn't more than just new words in his mouth.
